Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I have to tell you about the song "Hero" by Abandon. I heard it on KLove a month or two ago on my way to work. The song sounded good but I am more interested in the lyrics than just the music. Most worship songs are too watered downed and don't really contain much biblical substance. There are a few bands which do a good job in that category, but I had not heard of Abandoned before. I was amazed that whole song was the story of Jesus' life. You never hear that! The only other song strictly about Jesus is Red Letters by DC Talk. Anyways, I love this song so much. It's convicting, strengthening, beautiful,special and one of kind.

I hope you enjoy the song as much as I do.

Forever in Christ,

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jehovah Witnesses

Many of you don't know but I have been regularly meeting with two local Jehovah Witnesses women for the past few weeks.  Lydia (the younger woman) and another lady (it differs each day) have been stopping my our apartment for the past two years.  I have always listened to them and taken their literature but that is about where it stayed. 

Since they have been coming I have been trying to update myself about their theology so I can have a conversation and already know their talking points.  I have been studying my own theology to show then where their discrepancies are in the Bible and basically have the Bible defeat them. 

It was probably two months ago my heart was really hurting for Lydia.  I was convicted about my own faith.  What example am I to others if I don't witness to the witnesses?  How can I lead if I can't talk to non believers and/or the mislead?  I knew that God wants more of me and I can not be the christian of the Bible if I can't do what Christ commands.  So luckily :) the next time Lydia came to my door she offered more to me than just a publication.  They have booklets that use to deepen the conversation about what they believe and kind of what society thinks, feels, and is searching for.  So when she asked if I was interested, I said yes.
The words flowed out of my mouth without thinking.  Truely it was the Holy Spirit working within me.  So thus started my journey, my stretching, my drawing closer to God. 

Meeting each Wednesday at 2pm is not easy for me.  Even thought I study and Tyler goes through the book with me, to help me and point out things they might say, I am ALWAYS scared to death.  The first time I was so scared all I wanted to do was cry.  I have honestly never felt that way before.   The only way through it is prayer!!!  I pray, pray, pray, cry out to God, and pray more. It is amazing to be drawing closer to Him and His will and just be open to being used as a vessel to God.  That is all I am.  I am always complaining that I want to make a difference.  Not just in my family's life but others.  I want to be used to further His kingdom and now I get my chance. 

With God's help I have stepped outside of my cookie cutter safe christian world and into the real world filled with lots of lost and mislead people. I will not save Lydia because that is God's job but please pray for her.  Pray that God will use me to plant a seed into her heart and save her from the Jehovah Witness cult and hell.  Pray for the other woman who comes with her as well. Last please pray for me.  I need a team of saints praying through this difficult spiritual battle.  Pray for widsom, patience, and the right words when I speak with these women. 

Thank you and may God bless your day!